What we do ?

Valuation of Immovable Properties for various purposes such as Wealth tax, Income tax, capital Gain tax calculation, Visa purposes, Bank Security Mortgage, Property distribution in Family or amongst Partners, O.D Purposes against Property, Rental Calculations, Stamp Duty Calculation, Insurance of Property, House Tax Calculations, Valuations of big areas of land by Developers method and many more purposes

Property Valuation - Stamp Duty

Under the Bombay Stamp Act and as per Transfer of Property Act, the documents pertaining to sale / purchase of a property are considered valid, only if, the necessary stamp duty is paid and the required denomination stamps are affixed to the documents. The Sub-Registrar who records the deal will impound the documents if the necessary stamp is not affixed. Here also, the crux of the matter is that, the stamp fee is related to the price involved. In case of land deals, (Government of Maharashtra has created a belt system for land prices, which does not reflect the market price) to avoid transactions being overvalued, a qualified valuer’s report becomes necessary.